Top 20 Local Search Ranking Factors

Each year since 2008 a Local Search Ranking Factors survey is being done – asking local search engine optimization experts around the world about the top techniques and strategies that work for them in their businesses.

The result of the survey is a list of top 20 local search ranking factors:

  1. Proper category associations
  2. Physical address in city of search
  3. Consistency of structured citations
  4. Quality/authority of structured citations
  5. HTML NAP matching place page NAP
  6. Quantity of structured citations
  7. Domain authority of website
  8. Individually owner-verified local plus page
  9. City, state in Places landing page title
  10. Proximity of address to centroid
  11. Quality/authority of inbound links to domain
  12. Quantity of native Google Places reviews (w/text)
  13. Product/service keyword in business title
  14. Quantity of citations from locally relevant domains
  15. Proximity of physical location to the point of search
  16. Quantity of citations from industry-relevant domains
  17. Local area code on local Plus page
  18. City, state in most/all website title tags
  19. Quantity of third-party traditional reviews
  20. Page authority of Places landing page URL

Read the full article and explanation of each ranking factor here